

提問者:網(wǎng)友 2017-02-01
汽車相關(guān)英文縮寫AAE American Association of Engineers 美工程師協(xié)AB air bag安全氣囊ABS anti-lock brake system 防抱死制系統(tǒng)AC alternating current 交流電 air conditioner 空調(diào)器automobile club汽車俱樂部ADL automatic door clock 自門鎖AEC automobile emission control 汽車排放控制AIME American institute of mechanical engineers美機(jī)械工程師協(xié)AIAE American institute of automobile engineers美汽車工程師協(xié) A/M automatic/manual自/手AMT automatic machincal transmission機(jī)械式自變速器APC automatic performance control爆震自控制系統(tǒng)ASC anti-slip control驅(qū)防滑控制系統(tǒng)AT automatic transmission 自變速器ATA anti-thief alarm防盜報(bào)警ATC automatic temperature control自溫度控制ATS anti-thief system防盜系統(tǒng)AWD all-wheel drive全輪驅(qū)AWS all-wheel steering全輪轉(zhuǎn)向BWI body in white白車身CAD computer-aided design計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)CAM computer-aided management計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)CAN controller area network 控制器區(qū)域網(wǎng)絡(luò)CCS cruise control system 巡航控制系統(tǒng)CNG compressed natural gas壓縮氣CIM computer-integrated manufacturing system計(jì)算機(jī)集制造系統(tǒng)CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission (帶式)級(jí)變速器CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle(本田)舒適休閑車DC drag coefficient風(fēng)阻系數(shù)digital control數(shù)字控制ldirect current直流電DCI direct cylinder injection 直接噴入汽缸DCS deceleration control system減速控制系統(tǒng)DEFI digital electronic fuel injection 數(shù)字式電控制燃油噴射D-EFI 壓力計(jì)量空氣流量電控燃油系統(tǒng)DFI digital fuel injection數(shù)字式燃油噴射 Direct fuel injection直接燃油噴射DCM diagnostic control mode診斷控制模塊DI direct injection 直接噴射DI diesel engine 直噴式柴油發(fā)機(jī)DI gasoline engine 直噴式汽油發(fā)機(jī)DOHC double overhead camshaft 雙頂置凸輪軸DPB dual power brake 雙路助力制DTC diagnostic trouble code 診斷故障碼EAT electronic automatic transmission 電控自變速器EAS electronic (control) air suspension電控制空氣懸架EBS electronic brake system 電制系 EBTC electronic brake and traction control 制牽引力電控制ECD electronic control diesel 電控制柴油機(jī)ECI electronic control injection電控制噴射ECI-turbo electronic control injection turbo電控制燃油噴射渦輪增壓發(fā)機(jī)ECS Engine Control System 發(fā)機(jī)控制系統(tǒng) Electronic control suspension電控制懸架 Electronic Control System 電控制系統(tǒng)ECU electronic control unit 電控制模塊EFI electronic fuel injection 電控制燃油噴射EGR exhaust-gas recirculation廢氣再循環(huán)EHPS electronic hydrostatic power steering 電液壓蛀力轉(zhuǎn)向EHV electric and hybrid vehicle 電混合力汽車ECVT eletro-continuously variable (belt) transmission 電控制(帶式)級(jí)變速器EGI electronic gasoline injection 電汽油噴射EPI electronic petrol injection 電汽油噴射ESC electronic spark control 電點(diǎn)火控制electric suspension control system電控制懸架電控制懸架ESP electronic stability program電穩(wěn)定程序ESCS electronic suspension control system 電懸架控制系統(tǒng)ETC electronic traction control 電牽引力控制裝置ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 廢氣渦輪增壓器Euro 2 歐洲第二階段排放限制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)EEC European economic community 歐共體ETCC European touring car championship 歐洲房(旅游、高性能)車錦標(biāo)賽F1 Formula 1 級(jí)程式(汽車賽)FES Federal emission standard (美)聯(lián)邦排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)FF front front(發(fā)機(jī))前置前驅(qū)FMS flexible manufacturing system 柔性制造系統(tǒng)FR front rear(發(fā)機(jī))前置驅(qū)FWD four wheel drive 四輪驅(qū) Front wheel drive前輪驅(qū)FWS four-wheel steering 四輪轉(zhuǎn)向GT grand touring(轎車類)高性能類房車類旅游類GTCC German touring car championship 德房車冠軍賽GPS global positioning system 全球衛(wèi)星定位系統(tǒng)HTV hybrid test vehicle 混合力試驗(yàn)車HUD head up display 抬顯示前窗玻璃映像顯示HV hybrid vehicle 混合力車HC hydrocarbon 碳?xì)浠衔颕CE internal combustion engine 內(nèi)燃機(jī) ICS intercooler system冷系統(tǒng)IDI indirect fuel injection 間接燃油噴射IEEE institute of electrical and electronics engineers(美)電氣與電工程師IFS independent front suspension 前輪獨(dú)立懸架INFLATABLE RESTRAINT (儀表板字符)安全氣囊指示燈ISO international standard organization 際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化組織LAN local area network 局域網(wǎng)LCD liquid crystal display 液晶顯示LNG liquefied natural gas 液化氣LPG liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油氣LMG liquefied mathane gas液化甲烷氣MAN manual 手MT manual transmission手變速器MIL malfunction indicator lamp 故障指示燈MPFI multi port fuel injection 點(diǎn)燃油噴射MPI multi point injection 點(diǎn)噴射MPV multipurpose vehicle用途車NCAP new car assessment program 新型汽車鑒定程序NG netural gas 氣NOX nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物OBD system on-board diagnostic system 車載診斷裝置PCV positive crankcase ventilation 曲軸箱強(qiáng)制通風(fēng)PS power steering 力轉(zhuǎn)向PUC pickup car 客貨兩用汽車皮卡PU foam polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料PVC polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯RC engine rotary combustion engine 轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)機(jī)RR rear rear(發(fā)機(jī))置驅(qū)RV recreational vehicle 休閑車 RWD rear-wheel drive 輪驅(qū)SAE society of automotive engineers,Inc. (美)汽車工程師SAMT semi-automatical transmission 半自機(jī)械式變速器SFI sequential fuel injection順序式燃油噴射SEPFI sequential electronic port fuel injection順序電燃油噴射SLV sport luxury vehicle 運(yùn)型豪華用途車SLS sport luxury sedan 運(yùn)型豪華轎車ST sport touring car 運(yùn)型旅行車SUV sport utility vehicle 運(yùn)型用途車SRD spin resistant differential 防滑差速器SRS supplemental restraint system 輔助約束裝置(稱安全氣囊)SRT street racing technology 公路賽車技術(shù)TBI throttle body fuel injection 節(jié)氣門體燃油噴射TC technical center 技術(shù) Traffic control交通控制Turbo charger渦輪增壓器Turbocharged coupe渦輪增壓雙門跑車TCC transaxle converter clutch 變矩器離合器變速驅(qū)橋TCCS Toyota computer controlled system 豐田計(jì)算機(jī)控制系統(tǒng)TCS traction control system 牽引力控制系統(tǒng)TD turbo diesel 渦輪增壓柴油機(jī)TDI turbo-DI渦輪增壓柴油機(jī)TFT thin film transistor 薄膜液晶管TUV Toyota universal vehicle 豐田用途車T-VIS Toyota variable induction system豐田變進(jìn)氣系統(tǒng)TWC three-way catalyst三元催化轉(zhuǎn)換器TWD two-wheel drive兩輪驅(qū)UTCS urban traffic control system 城市公交管理系統(tǒng)VSC vehicle speed control 車輛速度控制 Vehicle stability control 車輛穩(wěn)定控制裝置VTSS vehicle theft security system 車輛防盜安全系統(tǒng)VIVT variable inlet-valve timing 變進(jìn)氣門V-TCS viscous traction control system 粘性牽引力控制系統(tǒng)汽車相關(guān)詞匯Benz, Mercedes-Benz 奔馳Cadillac 卡迪拉克Chrysler 克萊斯勒Chevroler 雪佛萊Citroen 雪鐵龍F(tuán)ord 福特Honda 本田Mazda 馬自達(dá)Mustang 野馬Porsche 保捷Renault 雷諾Rolls-Royce 羅爾斯羅伊斯Santana 桑塔納Toyota 豐田Volvo 沃爾沃, 富豪Volkswagen 眾front wheel 前輪rear wheel 輪tread 輪距chassis 底盤bodywork, body 車身rear window 窗玻璃windscreen 擋風(fēng)玻璃 (美作:windshield)windscreen wiper 風(fēng)檔刮水器,風(fēng)檔雨雪刷 (美作:windshield wiper)fender, wing, mudguard 擋泥板radiator grille 水箱wing mirror 視鏡bonnet 發(fā)機(jī)蓋 (美作:hood)boot 行李箱 (美作:trunk)roof rack, luggage rack 行李架license plate, number plate 車號(hào)牌wing 前翼板hubcap 輪轂罩bumper 保險(xiǎn)杠front blinker 前信號(hào)燈taillight, tail lamp 尾燈backup light, reversing light 倒車燈stoplight, stop lamp 剎車燈rear blinker 轉(zhuǎn)彎指示燈trunk, boot 行李箱bumper 保險(xiǎn)杠tailpipe 排氣管first gear 檔second gear 二檔reverse 倒車檔two-stroke engine 二沖程發(fā)機(jī)diesel 柴油機(jī)limousine 豪華轎車drophead 車篷汽車 (美作:convertible)racing car 賽車saloon 轎車 (美作:sedan)roadster 敞蓬車wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 爺車notchback 客貨兩用車four-wheel drive 四輪驅(qū)front-wheel drive 前輪驅(qū)trailer 拖車station wagon 旅行車truck 卡車compact car 型汽車light-van 型貨車garbage truck 垃圾車automobile carrier 貨運(yùn)卡車fire engine 消防車tractor 牽引車ambulance 救護(hù)車taxi 租車, 計(jì)程車trailer truck 拖車sports car 跑車formula car 程式賽車, 程式汽車mail car 郵車jeep 吉普車bloodmobile 血漿車bumper car 碰撞用汽車camper 露營(yíng)車police car 警車wrecker 清障車ambulance 急救車


